
In honor of Kelly, we raise and donate funds to school ROP, Career Technology Education (CTE) and Continuing Technical Educational programs as well as scholarships and sponsorships to high school students. Our awardees must be enrolled in San Diego County schools and have a track record of participating in their school CTE programs to be eligible.

The Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation is proud to have supported a wide variety of programs and students from San Diego County Schools. Our program assistance begins with a request from educators and encompasses all aspects of CTE programs. Through your generous support The KMMF has already donated over $250,000. Please review the support received by programs and students over the past years.

Support our cause

We commit a large portion of our annual budget to providing scholarships directly to graduating seniors to allow them to participate in training or purchase tools and equipement to be on par with their peers in the workforce. The KMMF relies heavily on the generous donations from our supporters. You can help with our efforts supporting one of our events or making a donation. The KMMF is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States, and donations from US citizens are tax deductible. Please click here for making donations via PayPal. For all other types of donations, please contact us.

Check this out!

The 14th Annual Tourney
We are sad to have to postpone the tournament due to COVID-19. Please stay tuned as we are hoping to reschedule for later in the year.

Details >>

CTE Grant Application
Your CTE grant application can be downloaded here. The deadline has been extended in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Deadline: May 1, 2020
Download Application >>

Support The KMMF through AmazonSmile!
Simply click this link, sign on to your account and click Select.
A % of your purchase is donated to The KMMF!

GoodSearch earns us $
So far we have received over $8,000. Just by performing searches you can help us help youth. Click here to find out how.