Kelly's Journey

Kelly was born on January 4th, 1987 as the little brother to Ryan and Kati. We soon found out that Kelly would spend his school life suffering from learning disorders, visual disabilities and neurological delays. School was a challenging and frustrating experience for Kelly. In high school, Kelly was able to join Career Technology Education (CTE) programs with an emphasis on welding and auto mechanics. The successes that Kelly experienced in those
CTE programs became the springboard for success in his life. Kelly at last found a reason to go to school. Because of his successes in his CTE classes, he stuck it out in his academic classes and graduated with his class in June of 2005. Kelly was able to use his experience from his auto classes to secure a full-time job and was well on his way to being a contributing, successful member of society, happy and content, when he passed away on December 24, 2005. The loss of Kelly was devastating to his family and the extended group of friends who knew him. Out of our grief, we felt the need to find a way to create a positive legacy for Kelly. We realized that there are many children in school who struggle for success. These are wonderful young people who can contribute through old-fashioned, hands-on hard work.
We built the Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation to support CTE programs and the students who are following the same path as Kelly. Our foundation provides support in areas that see constant budget cutting, teacher reduction and lack of attention. By supporting these programs, we feel that we are able to continue Kelly's impact on the world. We are grateful for your support.

Eulogies from Kelly's Service

thoughts on Kelly and message to Kelly

By Doug Huntley, serving as Secretary of the Board of Directors for TheKMMF
Kelly Allen McGinnis (January 4, 1987 - December 24, 2005) was a young man who was active in his community, gave his time and support to others, and was an industrious lover of life. Kelly was my best friend's son and one of my dearest friends. An avid athlete, a ready joker, and a willing cohort; Kelly was the best straight man that a comedian could hope for. He played all of the parts well... He could be the jester, the moody adolescent, the knight in shining armor, and the little bastard. But under the surface - beneath all of the roles he played - he was a good and decent human being. I was honored to be asked to speak at his services and I spent days writing my eulogy for Kelly. He was almost a man and already so much more. I loved him as if he were my own son. He was and forever will be a part of my village and in my heart. Kelly died tragically in a car accident Christmas Eve, December 24, 2005 at 3:22 pm. He is missed by all that knew him and is still loved by his family, his village, and his friends. Kelly, I miss you! Take care of yourself and know that you made me proud. Love ya.