The KMMF Purpose, Mission, and Goal

The Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation provides a positive way to remember Kelly and what he meant to us. We provide charitable support to programs similar to those that helped shape Kelly's life, thereby increasing opportunities for students who are following Career Technology Education (CTE) career paths.

The Kelly McGinnis Memorial Foundation holds various events to raise funds for school programs such as the Regional Occupational Program (ROP). We also provide scholarships and sponsorships to students. Our awardees are located in the areas around San Diego and must be involved in their CTE programs to be eligible.
To promote and support CTE programs for San Diego students. See our recent awards.
In honor of Kelly McGinnis, The KMMF is dedicated to:
  • Supporting continuing technical education
  • Supporting CTE school programs
  • Donating scholarships for high school students
  • Providing sponsorhships for high school students

We are a federally licensed non-profit and will be happy to supply that information upon request.

With your help we can positively impact the lives of future generations!

The impending shortage of skilled workers has been well documented. Take a look at current predictions:
  • By 2030, although 41 million new workers will enter the work force, a staggering 76 million will enter retirement, leaving a shortage of workers that will be hard to fill.
  • To prevent a talent shortage that could threaten the U.S. manufacturing segment alone by 2020, 10 million new skilled workers are needed.
  • In the health care field, 2.8 million nurses will be needed by 2020.
  • Fourteen million skilled workers will be needed in the high technology and managerial industry by 2015.
  • The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates there will be an 18 percent increase in the need for plumbers and pipe fitters from 2004 to 2014. During that need for electricians will go up 14 percent. Demand for heating, ventilation and air conditioning mechanics and installers will swell 27 percent, championed by government and corporations will create millions of jobs over the next 10 years, some of which would be technician positions or renovation work.
Board of directors
Click here to view our board of directors.

Other interesting links
Winners of The KMMF Golf Tournaments are automatically qualified to play in Randy Jones tournaments.
For further reading on Randy Jones tournaments.